Deb Wilson

Looking to Make the World Better


Decision time

Because my Bachelors program at CSU San Marcos is only 16 months long, I’m already looking into Masters programs this summer. I graduate next spring, which is going to be here in no time!

One of the good things about having taken so many courses at CoC over the last few years is that I really gave myself a chance to see what I was interested in, which ended up being Sociology and Public Health. I’m looking into Masters programs in both disciplines but I’m leaning towards Public Health.

It’s hard to decide which way to go, though, because I know getting an MPH will be harder for me than getting an MSW, and I desperately want to get good grades and retain a high GPA throughout. But I also want to follow my passions, even if it means taking a slightly more difficult path.

I’ve sent out feelers and requests for more information, looked over lists of coursework required for both degrees, and have done as much homework in learning about both programs as I reasonably can. Until I make my final decision, I’ll be working hard to maintain my A average at CSUSM and learning all I can.